math - mathematical operations

native_tags.contrib.math_.acos(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the arc cosine (measured in radians) of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.acosh(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the hyperbolic arc cosine (measured in radians) of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.asin(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the arc sine (measured in radians) of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.asinh(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the hyperbolic arc sine (measured in radians) of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.atan(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.atan2(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of y/x. Unlike atan(y/x), the signs of both x and y are considered. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.atanh(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the hyperbolic arc tangent (measured in radians) of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.ceil(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the ceiling of x as a float. This is the smallest integral value >= x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.copysign(arg1, arg2=None)
Return x with the sign of y. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.cos(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the cosine of x (measured in radians). This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.cosh(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the hyperbolic cosine of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.degrees(arg1, arg2=None)
degrees(x) -> converts angle x from radians to degrees This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.exp(arg1, arg2=None)
Return e raised to the power of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.fabs(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the absolute value of the float x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.factorial(arg1, arg2=None)
Return n! This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.floor(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the floor of x as a float. This is the largest integral value <= x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.fmod(arg1, arg2=None)
Return fmod(x, y), according to platform C. x % y may differ. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.frexp(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the mantissa and exponent of x, as pair (m, e). m is a float and e is an int, such that x = m * 2.**e. If x is 0, m and e are both 0. Else 0.5 <= abs(m) < 1.0. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.fsum(arg1, arg2=None)
Return an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable. Assumes IEEE-754 floating point arithmetic. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.hypot(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the Euclidean distance, sqrt(x*x + y*y). This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.isinf(arg1, arg2=None)
isinf(x) -> bool Checks if float x is infinite (positive or negative) This is a comparison tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.isnan(arg1, arg2=None)
isnan(x) -> bool Checks if float x is not a number (NaN) This is a comparison tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.ldexp(arg1, arg2=None)
ldexp(x, i) -> x * (2**i) This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.log(arg1, arg2=None)
log(x[, base]) -> the logarithm of x to the given base. If the base not specified, returns the natural logarithm (base e) of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.log10(arg1, arg2=None)
log10(x) -> the base 10 logarithm of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.log1p(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the natural logarithm of 1+x (base e).
The result is computed in a way which is accurate for x near zero.

This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.

native_tags.contrib.math_.modf(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the fractional and integer parts of x. Both results carry the sign of x. The integer part is returned as a real. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.pow(arg1, arg2=None)
Return x**y (x to the power of y). This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.radians(arg1, arg2=None)
radians(x) -> converts angle x from degrees to radians This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.sin(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the sine of x (measured in radians). This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.sinh(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the hyperbolic sine of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.sqrt(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the square root of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.tan(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the tangent of x (measured in radians). This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.tanh(arg1, arg2=None)
Return the hyperbolic tangent of x. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.
native_tags.contrib.math_.trunc(arg1, arg2=None)
Truncates x to the nearest Integral toward 0. Uses the __trunc__ magic method. This is a function tag. This is a filter tag.

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