.. _configuration: .. highlight:: python Settings ======== DJANGO_BUILTIN_TAGS ------------------- Tuple of Django templatetags modules to load by default. This places them in the Django template Library builtins. Place your most commonly used templatetags here and you will never have to ``{% load %}`` them. Example:: DJANGO_BUILTIN_TAGS = ( 'native_tags.templatetags.native', 'django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup', #... ) NATIVE_LIBRARY -------------- Updates the library of tags to load by default. Define any valid types of functions here. Lets you define them right in ``settings.py`` Example:: NATIVE_LIBRARY = { 'function':{ 'add': lambda x, y: x + y }, 'comparison':{ 'is_in': lambda x, y: x in y }, 'filter':{ 'rstrip': lambda s: s.rstrip() }, 'block':{ 'comment': lambda: '' } } NATIVE_TAGS -------------- Tuple of contrib tag modules to load. Use the ones from :ref:`contrib-index` or add your own Out of the box, this is just the set of tags needed to be a functional replacement to django-template-utils All available options included in this app:: 'native_tags.contrib.comparison', 'native_tags.contrib.context', 'native_tags.contrib.generic_content', 'native_tags.contrib.generic_markup', 'native_tags.contrib.hash', 'native_tags.contrib.serializers', 'native_tags.contrib.baseencode', 'native_tags.contrib.regex', 'native_tags.contrib.math', 'native_tags.contrib.mapreduce', 'native_tags.contrib.cal', 'native_tags.contrib.rand', # Native tags with dependencies 'native_tags.contrib.gchart', # GChartWrapper 'native_tags.contrib.pygmentize', # Pygments 'native_tags.contrib.feeds', # Feedparser .. _django-template-utils: http://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-template-utils/ NATIVE_DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT ----------------------------- Cache timeout (if any) in seconds. If this is set, all tags will cache for this amount of time, otherwise you may define caching at the per-tag level. Defaults to `None` Example 1hr cache:: NATIVE_DEFAULT_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60