I am making the world better by contributing to open source technologies for organizations
and communities specializing in web applications.
I have contributed to projects that span the world and help people have a
better relationship with technology on the web.
Checkout some of the open source projects that I have
Here are some of the amazing places that I have worked
Here are a collection of my most popular projects.
There are more available if you
check out My GitHub Profile
My first big project, GChartWrapper is a small Python wrapper around the Google Charts Image API. I began writing this app in college and before long I found that it was adopted by many different places all over the internet. The library supports making fancy charts like this beauty here.
My biggest project so far with thousands of downloads daily from PyPI. This is a Django Implementation of the activity streams protocol. It's a project space Ive gotten interested in and am assisting the W3 Social Web Working Group on developing new version drafts. I have also given a talk at Djangocon US 2014 on this topic. Loads more information, examples and concepts available on the docs.
This project is a Python implementation of the Google Voice App. There was no official API for the service so I used my browser to reverse engineer the functionality and put it into ReST calls you could make through Python and preserve session info. This lead to a bit of an arms race between me and Google after they added an extra layer of auth to thwart what I was able to do. I got around it once but they have since added more layers of security which arent worth my time anymore to get around so the project is defunct
A simiple HTML5 browser game. I tried to emulate the sand level of Super Mario 2 so you can dig up blocks of earth to avoid baddies. Give it a try yourself here
My first venture into nonrel DBMS to create a pixel tracking software used on the Washington Times to track user analytics and provide an easy way to aggregate usage statistics. We used this tool to promote the most popular content based on pageviews